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VanDahl in brief

Once upon a time, a small group of marketing people developed a similar understanding and convictions on how to carry out great marketing based on their current experience. This understanding led to the birth of the VanDahl ad agency.


For us, marketing starts with human psychology. It is an environment that has remained unchanged for millennia, where various details and parameters have developed over time but the environment itself still operates in the same manner. And only then do we get to trends, fashions and other factors that influence this environment in a particular point in time.


Bringing a person and a product together starts with a sense of empathy for that person. Or, in simpler terms – one has to understand what actually speaks to a person who is not an expert in a field and what kind of advertising impacts a person who is not an ad specialist. You can forgo buying a car with excellent properties if it doesn’t come in a suitable colour. And you can be looking for discounts and be put off by an ad made to look too… expensive and pretty. Our job is to consider all such nuances in what we do and maximise the marketing tools for the objective.


We always try to predict what will happen tomorrow. Because if we ran after today, we would actually stay stuck in yesterday.

Kerli Karu
AD / Designer

Gerli Terasmaa-Olle
Media / PR

Marketing, ad & media

Estonian literary classics have taught us all that first, you have to have a plan. And then establish a system.


Why are people happy when a butterfly lands on their hand but scream when it’s a cockroach? Because butterflies look gorgeous!

Identity from logo to CVI

You can’t see the face of a company in any mirrors. But it exists all the same. Better to shape an identity yourself than to leave it up to everyone’s imagination.

Video and radio clips

TV ads are our old friends. Screens and social media require even more creativity to get the images moving quickly and at a reasonable cost. And we have plenty of that!

Copywriting from prose to poetry

Every writer is in search of a tree to climb for an endless supply of inspiration. We have that!

Room design and festival booths

Telling the story of your brand and products is much more efficient when a radio play turns into a show.

Stickers & lighting

Buildings and vehicles are some of the cheapest canvases for broadcasting your message. Considering that they exist anyway. Let’s put them to work!

Production from prints to custom solutions

We are happy to take charge of the entire process – as in, we also bring our lofty ideas to fruition. Turn-key, as they say.

Websites and online marketing

We can also run our powerful marketing machines online and in social media! Our brushes paint virtual pictures as well!